From the bustling metropolises to the serene rural communities, our team of trial lawyers stands ready to defend your rights with passion, dedication, and a track record of success. With 40 years of combined experience, Trey Porter Law has earned a reputation for securing victories even in the most challenging cases.

Specializing in misdemeanor charges with a focus on DWI and intoxication offenses, Trey Porter Law is committed to delivering top-notch legal representation to individuals throughout the Lone Star State. Whether you’re seeking to clear your record through expunction and nondisclosure or facing criminal charges that demand aggressive defense, our team has the expertise and tenacity to fight for your rights and achieve favorable outcomes.

Recognized as one of the highest and best-rated law firms in Texas, Trey Porter Law has garnered statewide and national acclaim for our unwavering commitment to client success. From students to professionals, veterans to first responders, our client-focused approach ensures that each case receives the personalized attention it deserves. Wherever you are in Texas, whether it’s Austin, Dallas, Odessa, or beyond, Trey Porter Law is here to provide the exceptional legal representation you need to navigate the complexities of the justice system with confidence.

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    Request a free consultation

    The stakes are high. Criminal charges can have devastating, lifelong consequences. During the free, confidential consultation, Mr. Porter will answer questions surrounding your legal matter, and discuss and identify potential defenses.

    If you have been arrested and charged with a crime, the State is working on your conviction. It’s time to start building your defense.

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